It’s been a sad week for personal finance journalism as it was announced that Moneywise (and its sister publication Money Observer) will be closing down after the August 2020 issue.
The magazine’s parent company Interactive Investor have decided to focus on its core business (an investment platform).
It’s a massive shame – I’ve written for Moneywise for well over a decade for at least five different editors and it’s always been a great title for write for.
Inevitably there will be job losses for the full-time staff there. Redundancy is never nice and unfortunately it’s a tough time for these talented writers to find a new job (but I’m sure they will).
Here are some of my favourite articles I’ve written for Moneywise:
How to save over £7,000 from your home with the great Moneywise spring clean
Buying a freehold home? Check the small print
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